Maritime Cyber Assurance

Maritime Cyber Assurance

With increasing shipboard internet and satellite connectivity and the unique cyber challenges of shore installations handling multinational vessels and complex IT systems, the cyber threats and potential vulnerabilities to the maritime industry are great and ever growing. As the major force behind the global economy and global security, maritime organizations and vessels are often seen as high-value targets for purposes of smuggling, illegal export and import as well as human trafficking. At Cybrex, we provide our maritime clients with a comprehensive perspective when assessing their cyber vulnerabilities and work with our clients to advise and support security enhancements.

Headquartered in Hampton Roads, one of US’s busiest seaports moving 2.3M TEU annually, we are immersed in the culture and operations of the commercial shipping industry.
In partnership with the US Maritime Resource Center (USMRC) , Cybrex has developed the Maritime Cyber Assessment Team (MCAT) which is a specialized capability conducting research, Cyber Assessments and Penetration testing of commercial vessels and terminals for the purpose of assuring operations, improving cyber resilience and providing best practices recommendations to industry and global regulation bodies.

As a maritime centric company, we are proud of our experience and depth of understanding when it comes to the cyber security challenges faced by the maritime industry. We are honored to work with key maritime organizations such as the United States Maritime Resource Center (USMRC), the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK), and the U.S. Navy. We offer a variety of specialized services to our maritime clients, government and commercial.


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